Hear more About us

I have always been fascinated by British history.

But I found it inaccessible: for one thing, it is terribly complicated (so many kings, queens, battles, discoveries, inventions, achievements ...); and, for another, it is not usually taught in a manner which brings it to life.

So I decided to set up a small website devoted to the Greatest Britons. There have been various polls over the years seeking to identify who really is the greatest. And so this seems like a good way to improve my knowledge.

That was 10 years ago. Since then, I've read books on British history, written, watched documentaries and films, written and read a bit more, designed this website, written a bit more, and found some other authors to help me.

I hope you like what you see. Any comments, constructive criticisms, ideas, corrections etc, please drop us a line at info@greatestbritons.com.
